
holy days

My aunt has gone to live with God and Christmas has come and passed. The church services were great, with the beautiful singing and messages and friends that I don't see often. There are still people to see and work to do but I just wish I could pretend I don't have to do anything until the new year. Like when I had winter break :) Will I ever be comfortable in my new role? Probably by the time I get to the next one.


dear God

Please pray for my aunt's family, especially her husband. She's dying and it's been very sudden. She got a brain tumor they found in November.



I know why I don't like roller coasters. Because I am female and I have moods. hormone injected moods. Thats enough of a ride for me!



I can't explain why I want to do something else with my life. I like freelance work, but freelance doesnt give me coworkers or a separate work life from home life. I just want a routine that takes me away from home, i.e. my mother during the day. Something that would get me up in the morning because I suck at mornings. Anyway. Ranterific.




If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you....


x mas

I miss Christmas when I was little. I suppose everyone does. But, I really miss being surprised by gifts under the tree and in the stockings. I miss that family would actually come to our house sometimes. My brother would put the bows on my head after all the presents were unwrapped. We have pictures. I miss my Grandma and my Dad. And I miss getting to be a little bit selfish and it was ok. Just for a day.



Just got back from France, the Riviera. It was gorgeous and fun to take pictures of... We weren't near all the rioting, which is good. Also went to a city in Italy :) San Remo, and through the first town over the border, called Ventimiglia.



Don't forget to turn back those clocks!

Halloween Parties are fun! :)



"Wolf Camera and Video. Our expertise is freeee" Ya know, I haven't heard that jingle in years. Yet I remember it randomly. That tells ya how good advertising can be. Just inundate the public with a little ditty and they'll remember it forever.

Of course, I like going to Wolf for several reasons. Most of which have to do with my pictures. :)


Goodnight, sweet prince

We had to have my cat put down today. He was a good fella. A manx, so unique to begin with. We got him when I was 3 and a half or so. I named him Nicky, after myself. He came to be known as Fatcat, though. He was 21 or maybe older, our neighbors found him in the woods when he was a kitten.
Love and pets suck.



I experienced Bridesmaiding this weekend. It was fun, got my best friend from home all married and enjoyed all the ceremony of it. Good times. Then the end of a concert for which I'd won tickets, then Sunday church, youth group, and 4 Nights in October, the Christian concert that happens every year (at least for the last 4 years). Got to see Annie and Bob and Andrea. And hang out with all the cool youth that went :)


i don't need this

I don't need another blog. I just want to make a comment on someone else's.