




It's a marvelous light, I'm running
Out of darkness, out of shame


Well, hey, how's it goin? Long time no see, etc, etc...

I just love randomly running into people from the past. It's cool seeing what they're up to. I just saw Justin Spillner, who I went to school with pretty much all through the years, elementary to high school. He's a DJ now and owns a music company with somebody else from school who I didn't know...He goes by DJ K.O. (I don't know if the periods are necessary with these things, not really well versed there) and I think I've even heard of him. Pretty cool. He was always very entertaining in school, though I wouldn't really say he was in my group of friends. I wasn't all that popular :) He was though. But not one of the snooty annoying ones. Anyway...that's my highlight for the day so far.


shoe bop

Went to Mississippi over the weekend with a group from church to help out some Katrina victims. We got to muck out a guy's house, in other words, just take everything out so he can spray for mold. We tore out a big ol pile of drywall. AWESOME! Can't wait to go on another trip. Saw Drew's friend Grant who I met a few weeks ago when they came to play at Drew's mom's church. So cool and random! Yay for randomness!

Now this week every night I'm babysitting a couple of teenagers for their overprotective parents and getting paid for it! Not as good as working for people who need me, but hey, in a way it's the same...or something.



"She still lives with her mom outside the city. Down that street about a half a mile. And her friends tell her, she's so pretty. She'd be a whole lot prettier if she smiled once in a while."