

Movin on, no worries, just a bad day here and there. ;) All good days to talk about here though! :)

I went to 7:22 with Drew on Tuesday and that was cool. He leaves today to go back to school. It was nice to have him home for the summer and i'll miss him but I'll get to see him some and that is good.

Marc Broussard is the rockinest souliest guy in music. He is a dancy, happy guy and he and his band and people like to go bowling! Hehe. I helped sell merchandise for them last night and it was so amazing. We got to watch the concert and then at the end of the night we got to take tshirts and cds just cause we helped! It was so awesome. And Carrie lost her ID but people were nice enough to find it and she got it back. Wow. She was so lucky! Brian, who we helped with the merch was very nice too. So many cool people in the world!



heh. I got fired today

home again home again jiggity jog

Just got home last night from our week at the beach in VA Beach with Sean Jim and Shane, my sis, bro and nephew, and a few days with Chris and Tiff, my bro and his wife in Wilmington, NC. It was a good trip as vacations go. The beach was nice but got insanely hot. Got to hang with Stacy as she was passing through town. I'm tan for the first time in years. Mainly cause I couldn't help it. I didn't really try for it.

Chris and Tiffany are having a baby girl! She's due in December, around the time of my dad's bday. Her name is Alexis Hart DuPre :) I took some pregnant pics of Tiff which I hope turn out good.

But, DANG am I glad to be home!