
good ol ancients

lamia \LAY-mee-uh\ (noun) - 1 : In Greek mythology, a monster represented as a serpent with the head and breasts of a woman and reputed to prey on human beings and suck the blood of children. 2 : A female vampire.


Babysitting makes me uneasy



I like Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. They played tonight at the Fred. Hooray! I saw them in 97 or 98, I forget which, when they came for Big Day Out. I wore the shirt I bought then to tonight's show. I also helped with Guide Magazine stuff for my mom.



It's so sad when public figures die. It's like somebody you know but not... It's like they were friends with everyone and so everyone misses them. Sigh.


much funs

Hooray! Stacy came to visit! The group went out to eat at a place in Midtown called Apres Diem. Pretty good. Lovely selection of desserts. Then we played silly and dirty games all night. We were gonna play Whirly Ball but the place was closed...Ah well. Good times.