
Hooray for youth trips! I went to Laguna Beach, Florida over the weekend with my church youth group. I also went to the same place when I was a youth...for my 16th birthday. And now, 10 years later, just after turning 26, I was there again. :) I like things like that. It was a very good trip, we had 11 young people and 4 adults. Jake gave an amazing series of talks over the weekend and we had lots of fun beach time. We drove down on Friday, the kids had a day off school and when we go there it was overcast and the water was crazy so we couldn't go in. Saturday it was gorgeous! The water was insanely clear and the weather was beautiful-sunny but breezy. We saw an exhilarating sunset too. For once, I just watched it, my camera I had left in the room and I didn't really have time to go back for it. That's ok, though. I should probably learn how to let go and just watch things like that. No sweat I didn't capture it, God will make new ones every day.

Today I had to get a filling, though. Not as good as the weekend. However, my dentist, who just took over for my old dentist who is retiring-ish, asked me to help with some advertising for him! So I got a job out of the experience. And also a numb nose. Which I have to say is one of the oddest sensations I've ever felt. Just the right nostril though. Weird.


It's October. A good month. In which I turn 26 this year. Next Wednesday. La dee da.

My mother is on a date tonight. Weird.

And I'm single again. Not as weird.



My throat hurts.

So I went to a nurse. She gave me some allergy meds. Then I had blood taken.

So, next I find out in a few days if there's anything goin on in me that shouldn't be.


Ironic doughnuts, anyone?

Well, it has been an interesting day. . The irony I refer to in the title comes in because of yesterday and today, though...Last night, Neal and I went to see The Simpson's Movie. Very fun :) Gotta love a good Simpson's. But then today, I was driving home and... Doh! Got a flat tire. Had to wait like 2 1/2 hours in the O'Charley's waiting area for USAA to get someone to me. I may be all about doing things myself, but let me tell ya, I wasn't gonna attempt to change that tire. 1st, it was like 91 degrees today which wouldn't be all that bad except I've been sick for the last week and a half almost. And, B, I've never actually learned how to change one. And then of course, they put the darn lugnuts on with those air guns, so I doubt I woulda been able to unscrew the dang thing. Well, as I was waiting I chatted with the nice O'Charley's employee about how she got a flat once and it took all of her weight standing on the ....well, the thing that unscrews the nuts (ew, nuts) to get it changed. She also gave me a sweet tea while I waited. Nice lady. Anyway, what I'm getting at, is that here I am driving on a doughnut the very day after seeing The Simpson's Movie. ;) Ironic, don't ya think?


Holy King of Blues, Batman!

I met B.B. King! Ladies and gentlemen, the king of blues, the blues boy himself! Right here in the PTC-what an amazing man!



Well, I went to Colorado for 11 days! Er, technically, it was 7 days with 4 for travel. It was a YoungLife trip to Crooked Creek Ranch. We drove for 30 hours on a bus. When we had some time before camp, we went to a baseball game. Colorado vs. Cincinatti. We got to camp and had all kinds of fun and adventures. We even hiked the mountain in the snow! We were the first group there to ever have snow for the hike. Craziness! It was quite fun and I enjoyed chillin with some great girls. The singer for the week was Ryan Long, I suggest checking him out. The weather was crazy also because it was warm some days and cold others. Hard to predict! The scenery was awesome and I took a bajillion pictures. The first night we had an obstacle course, which was cold and muddy and watery. Fun though. There was horseback riding (not for me though, allergies are icky), ropes course, ridge runners (like go carts on big wheels on the edge of the mountain), a poolympics day, a volleyball tournament (our team wore diapers over out clothes-so funny), the hike which I already mentioned, and even beads. I made some earrings. My friend Ashley has a promising career in jewelry design. After another 30 hour drive back including two nights in the bus, I'm glad to be home, tired, but not so excited about working again. It was a nice respite. Ah well, life goes on.


sickness and Romance

I'm tired of being sick. A week is enough already!

Went to a concert Tuesday. Saw Muse and My Chemical Romance. It was pretty good. We sat next to this goofy old hippie guy who was there with his son, who's in 5th grade. He was talking to Neal about all the classic old stuff and concerts he went to when he was young. He told us how he traveled around to see the Grateful Dead, so I suppose he was a Dead-head...Pretty cool guy, even though he did do a lot of pot. I suppose you couldn't be a hippie without it back then....as if I know. He had his lighter up for the slow songs hehe. Now everybody uses their cell phones for that. It makes me wonder if they even know why they do it. Silly kids these days :)



Such a vibrant life, and snuffed out so suddenly, so violently. Love you Bobby.


nicht so slacker

Hello all you people reading this. Yep, both of ya.

Nicole has a new job!

So, technically it's not completely new, since I've been working with them for a while doing photos every so often. But it does have new responsibilities. I'm helping update a new website with properties (it's a real estate company my next door neighbors own) and I'll be putting props on MLS, which apparently takes a class to learn...but they aren't making me go to it, I think someone will just train me. I have a whole booklet of stuff, maybe... 100 or so pages for reference. And it's really just about finding info on the properties and filling it in...

More exciting, though, is that they might actually give me a job doing advertising, which is actually in my field! woohoo! We'll see how it goes. I hope I haven't forgotten everything I learned!



Alrighty, so the weekend went well, and was tons of fun, but it did give me a yucky cold...
Hope I get over it soon, and it doesn't stick around for 2 weeks like the last time I felt like this.
I made lots of new friends and got to hang out with the Sandy Creek (local high school) girls who went on the trip.
Now, can someone pass the Kleenex?



Feeling refreshed in God's word from Romans. I've had a bunch of stuff to work out and I'm finally feeling on the up side of it. It's an amazing thing when God gives you strength in your weakness.

I'm still a little nervous about this weekend and being a leader but also excited :) Hope I don't freeze my buns off. Sharptop Cove, see you soon.



But I wish I could.



It's a little weird when a place holds so many good memories to make it magic but also brings sad thoughts that make it eerie. I went to Windy Gap, a YoungLife camp in North Carolina. It was the leader weekend for YL and it's also where my church went every Easter for 10 years. So, Everywhere I went I would remember moments with my parents or just with Dad and it was really emotional. I hadn't been back since high school. I don't remember which year was the last one we went, but I would guess my sophomore year. Sigh.