

Alrighty, so the weekend went well, and was tons of fun, but it did give me a yucky cold...
Hope I get over it soon, and it doesn't stick around for 2 weeks like the last time I felt like this.
I made lots of new friends and got to hang out with the Sandy Creek (local high school) girls who went on the trip.
Now, can someone pass the Kleenex?



Feeling refreshed in God's word from Romans. I've had a bunch of stuff to work out and I'm finally feeling on the up side of it. It's an amazing thing when God gives you strength in your weakness.

I'm still a little nervous about this weekend and being a leader but also excited :) Hope I don't freeze my buns off. Sharptop Cove, see you soon.



But I wish I could.



It's a little weird when a place holds so many good memories to make it magic but also brings sad thoughts that make it eerie. I went to Windy Gap, a YoungLife camp in North Carolina. It was the leader weekend for YL and it's also where my church went every Easter for 10 years. So, Everywhere I went I would remember moments with my parents or just with Dad and it was really emotional. I hadn't been back since high school. I don't remember which year was the last one we went, but I would guess my sophomore year. Sigh.