

Such a vibrant life, and snuffed out so suddenly, so violently. Love you Bobby.


nicht so slacker

Hello all you people reading this. Yep, both of ya.

Nicole has a new job!

So, technically it's not completely new, since I've been working with them for a while doing photos every so often. But it does have new responsibilities. I'm helping update a new website with properties (it's a real estate company my next door neighbors own) and I'll be putting props on MLS, which apparently takes a class to learn...but they aren't making me go to it, I think someone will just train me. I have a whole booklet of stuff, maybe... 100 or so pages for reference. And it's really just about finding info on the properties and filling it in...

More exciting, though, is that they might actually give me a job doing advertising, which is actually in my field! woohoo! We'll see how it goes. I hope I haven't forgotten everything I learned!