
Hooray for youth trips! I went to Laguna Beach, Florida over the weekend with my church youth group. I also went to the same place when I was a youth...for my 16th birthday. And now, 10 years later, just after turning 26, I was there again. :) I like things like that. It was a very good trip, we had 11 young people and 4 adults. Jake gave an amazing series of talks over the weekend and we had lots of fun beach time. We drove down on Friday, the kids had a day off school and when we go there it was overcast and the water was crazy so we couldn't go in. Saturday it was gorgeous! The water was insanely clear and the weather was beautiful-sunny but breezy. We saw an exhilarating sunset too. For once, I just watched it, my camera I had left in the room and I didn't really have time to go back for it. That's ok, though. I should probably learn how to let go and just watch things like that. No sweat I didn't capture it, God will make new ones every day.

Today I had to get a filling, though. Not as good as the weekend. However, my dentist, who just took over for my old dentist who is retiring-ish, asked me to help with some advertising for him! So I got a job out of the experience. And also a numb nose. Which I have to say is one of the oddest sensations I've ever felt. Just the right nostril though. Weird.


It's October. A good month. In which I turn 26 this year. Next Wednesday. La dee da.

My mother is on a date tonight. Weird.

And I'm single again. Not as weird.