

Yay good weekend! Saturday night, went up to Adam's place, hung out, chilled, and the like...watched some TV, went out for yummy cheeseburgers, shared music (er, well, mine was what was shared with him, but yeah).
Sunday we got up late and had some Arby's and grocery shopped (I know, I know,you may ask, 'Nicole, how could grocery shopping be fun?' and he indeed asked me the same question, but hey, I just like it sometimes!) and watched TV some more and drove to Roswell (he had been driving his father's car so needed to get his car back) and ate Stauffer's Lasagna at midnight. :) Then I drove home.
Right, I may be weird, but that was all good times!
Today I got to hang out with Kristin, Brian and the Parkers! Yay! We played Texas Hold'Em and Boggle. And ate some awesome food. Hooray!


hardly a post


If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you....


V Day

So, the night went pretty well. We had tentative plans to go to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens which we quickly scrapped and decided to just go to dinner instead. I took him to Italian Oven with high hopes, however he didn't really like his meal. Sad. But then we went over to Publix and got cookie ingredients. We made cookies (from scratch! a first for me) and they came out sorta ok. A little weird though. But that was the recipe, right? Nothing to do with the bakers! :)

Well, Adam met my mom and saw our house and all. That was alright. Strange coincidence number two (one was that he has the same birthday as my mom, Dec 29) was that his dog's name is SABLE! Freakin only other person I've heard of who's dog's name is Sable! What are the odds, I mean really?? Heh, he said, aw, man, and I thought that was so original! hehe Crazy times.

On another note, I get the feeling that Neal drunk texts me on holidays. On Christmas sometime early in the morning I got a text wishing me a Merry Christmas and saying 'hope you're happy'. Then I got a text last night at midnight that said happy valentine's day. Poor bastard. Can't get over me. Probably always be a source of guilt for me, too! oh, joy!



Happy Valentine's Day


High school kids keep committing suicide. 2 out of 3 lately were successful, a freshman and a senior. I hear there's some sort of thing where people hang themselves just up to the point of death and then stop. For some sort of feeling of euphoria. sheesh


on death

So what do you do at a wake for a guy you barely knew? I felt out of place and knew I couldn't comfort anyone. And left within like 20 minutes. It was my next door neighbor, Nick. I met him once in passing, and one night he knocked on my window and freaked me out. He shot himself (they're saying) on Superbowl Sunday. We were out of the country at the time. They had only lived there about a year, maybe less. It's sad. I hate when people die. Especially like that.

I found his MySpace profile today. That was weird. I guess his site will just stay there now. I never really thought about all the websites and things that get left when a person dies. That's the world of technology now, I guess. Well, I was reading what his friends wrote about him. Trying to know more about him after the fact, I guess. He seemed to have lots of goth friends. And apparently there's a secret room at the Masquerade.

I sort of wonder if anything would have been different if I'd become friends with him, and been here for when he needed to talk. I guess that's the choice you have to make when something happens. I chose to find him a little creepy. But what would you think if somebody knocks on your bedroom window late at night? Sigh. I wonder.



I'm back and I'm sick. I'm soooo darn glad to be back in America. No more squattie potties, no more rice and mung bean combinations, no more driving 15 hours on bumpy roads for a few days someplace. However. I have mono. No more blithe carefree days of not feeling poopy. at least for a while.