

My throat hurts.

So I went to a nurse. She gave me some allergy meds. Then I had blood taken.

So, next I find out in a few days if there's anything goin on in me that shouldn't be.


Ironic doughnuts, anyone?

Well, it has been an interesting day. . The irony I refer to in the title comes in because of yesterday and today, though...Last night, Neal and I went to see The Simpson's Movie. Very fun :) Gotta love a good Simpson's. But then today, I was driving home and... Doh! Got a flat tire. Had to wait like 2 1/2 hours in the O'Charley's waiting area for USAA to get someone to me. I may be all about doing things myself, but let me tell ya, I wasn't gonna attempt to change that tire. 1st, it was like 91 degrees today which wouldn't be all that bad except I've been sick for the last week and a half almost. And, B, I've never actually learned how to change one. And then of course, they put the darn lugnuts on with those air guns, so I doubt I woulda been able to unscrew the dang thing. Well, as I was waiting I chatted with the nice O'Charley's employee about how she got a flat once and it took all of her weight standing on the ....well, the thing that unscrews the nuts (ew, nuts) to get it changed. She also gave me a sweet tea while I waited. Nice lady. Anyway, what I'm getting at, is that here I am driving on a doughnut the very day after seeing The Simpson's Movie. ;) Ironic, don't ya think?