
Don't I know you?

:) Yay for friends in Peachtree City and for crazy nights and booty dancing cops!



Ocean Treasures

So I found out I am going to be an aunt for a second time! Hooray :) My brother, who is my Dad's son, got married in 03 and they've lately been trying for a kid, so they are pretty excited. The due date is December 5, and it's soo cool because that was my Dad's birthday and if he or she is born on that day, it would be so much more special! :)

This week at church is Vacation Bible School so I've been taking pictures and helping out with that. Sorta trying to help wrangle the teenagers for their skit and the middle school puppet show guys. :)


belly dancing as a way to pass the time

I just love parties. I rarely get to go to them. It makes me remember some good ones from high school. Even though I guess I'm not much of a party person in the stereotypical sense, I still love being with a bunch of people and acting silly. My outgoing personality side comes out and it's generally great. Here's to Stacy for throwing one of those fun shindigs that even included swimming or, as I think it should be more accurately called, an excuse to throw/dunk/drown/kick/maim/push/pull people and call it a good time. Being of the female gender, I generally am one of those thrown/dunked/drowned more than the latter. Guess that would mean I'm usually the one kicking and pushing and maiming and whatnot. It's self defense! :)


I would not like to buy back in.

Well, I used to enjoy playing poker...


oh geez

Ohhhh boy....This is gonna be something. Something so hard I can't even say yet so easy it's just being a friend...I'm going to help with YoungLife. ohhh Somebody's gonna have to be the message through me. How nerve wracking.


I will get a free sub next time

I saw a friend from high school that I hadn't seen since then! :) It was neat. She didn't recognize me at first, which is funny cause I sorta just figure I look the same except maybe my hair style and glasses. Oh, wait, if I was in a sitcom or movie I'd be totally unrecognizable with glasses and different hair. Hmmm. Well, anyway, I was in Blimpie and as I was getting my food a couple of guys walked in and I glanced at them. One was vaguely familiar but the other one wasn't. Until I looked again. It was a guy named Greg from school. I was never really friends with him but I knew of him. He grew like, 2 feet since the last time I saw him. That was odd. It must be a day of people from the past.


My friend Katie got married yesterday. It was nice, our friend Brianne was one of her bridesmaids. Stacy and I had a little adventure getting there, though. :) Then when we got home we watched some movies. Yay good times.