
dreamin loco

Man, last night I had some crazy dreams!
One was about high school people. It was weird. Somebody was getting married that I had a crush on back in middle and high school youth group and I talked to another guy that always bugged me in elementary and middle school and then I was sorta friends with in high school (I figure he always liked me or something but never admitted it)
Then I ran around trying to find a bathroom because I had to pee but not enough to wake myself up...glad I didn't find one.

Before that, I had a scary dream though...one I actually felt myself pulling out of and waking up. It was so weird. I've never had one feel quite like it. It had dogs attacking me. I was trying to turn into a werewolf or something but the dog wouldn't let me and kept jumping up at my left arm and there was someone there I knew, and I was looking to them for help and trying to scream. I was trying so hard to scream that when I finally pulled myself awake, I had to make noise and I almost came to tears.

So Crazy!

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