
i go foto

You know what's fun? Driving backroads. I don't know how many I've driven, just enjoying scenery, stopping to take some pictures, finding interesting places. Today I had to drive to Gay, GA. It's only about 45 minutes from home. I was working-took pictures of a house to make a virtual tour. I've actually been working all week, which is nice. I did 8 houses and tours. But of course, going to California for 2 weeks is a bit of an interruption... hopefully I'll be moving along again with the work when I come back.

Well, anyway, the driving. Today I took some pictures of an old service station that's totally taken over by vines. Not kudzu, just your normal green leafy vines. It looked like there was a fire at some point, and part of the roof had fallen in. A lot of the stuff was just left in there apparently...there was an old cigarette vending machine and outside the wall was an old ice cream bin. Apart from the dead raccoon inside, it was really cool. I took a bunch of shots in there. Not of the raccoon.

It was another CAMERAMPAGE! :) I like making up new words. Well, that's about it...I took some pics of old barns and fields and fences too. Yay photography!

Peace out, yo. Goin to California tomorrow. Be back the 29th. um..Tallyho!

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