
The contents of my purse at the moment

wallet, check books(2), tissues, North America road map, hand lotion, cell phone, business card holder, French Agenda, sewing kit, tiny pad of post it like paper, car keys for my car, car keys for mom's car, sunglasses, thumb drive, hair band, scissors, matches, two travel pill cases, cold sore cream, contact case, pack of gum, contact eye drops, tiny hand sanitizer, 3 lip gloss/chapsticks, a feminine item, a pack of Equal, two QTips, a few toothpicks, new contacts, more hair implements, 7 pens, a pencil, a mini sharpie, and travel floss


"My warrior woman. My Valkyrie. You'll always be mine, always and never. Never. The Fire, baby. It'll burn us both. It'll kill us both. there's no place in this world for our kind of fire. Always and never. If I have to die for you tonight, I will."


Every day offers a new set of possibilities for parental embarrassment. Take for instance the very attractive waiter today at a little Italian restaurant in San Juan Capistrano...Mom and Kim decide they like him and want to take a picture of him. And so they do and they ask him if he's a movie star...now, I guess that's not too embarrassing...but, really, you wouldn't wanna be there, right? Ah the joys of being cranky.


heard Dani California in the last five minutes? Prolly.

I'm in California. Today we went for a walk by the beach and had shakes at the end. Mine was oreo. mmmm. Now we might go hang out in a hot tub and then go out to dinner. Mom and myself and my bro, Hunter. Sadly, though, I apparently had to come down with a cold the day before the trip. The flight was hell on my head and ears...too much pressure! ack, landing was the worst. Could NOT pop my ears. blah. but anyway...


i go foto

You know what's fun? Driving backroads. I don't know how many I've driven, just enjoying scenery, stopping to take some pictures, finding interesting places. Today I had to drive to Gay, GA. It's only about 45 minutes from home. I was working-took pictures of a house to make a virtual tour. I've actually been working all week, which is nice. I did 8 houses and tours. But of course, going to California for 2 weeks is a bit of an interruption... hopefully I'll be moving along again with the work when I come back.

Well, anyway, the driving. Today I took some pictures of an old service station that's totally taken over by vines. Not kudzu, just your normal green leafy vines. It looked like there was a fire at some point, and part of the roof had fallen in. A lot of the stuff was just left in there apparently...there was an old cigarette vending machine and outside the wall was an old ice cream bin. Apart from the dead raccoon inside, it was really cool. I took a bunch of shots in there. Not of the raccoon.

It was another CAMERAMPAGE! :) I like making up new words. Well, that's about it...I took some pics of old barns and fields and fences too. Yay photography!

Peace out, yo. Goin to California tomorrow. Be back the 29th. um..Tallyho!



Ed Kowalczyk is a ROCK GOD and I want to be friends with him. . . :)
Concerts in Bham are good and fun and road trips are nice.

Hey..I'm not home right now, but I will be soon. . . [laughing] click! ...Why'd he hang up on me?

And other random funness including seeing friends happened this weekend. hooray


the flip side

Well, so, I did get an email about work today, so maybe I spoke too soon...

So, I think I must be the type of person that people like to say random things to. For instance, the guy behind the counter at Starbucks the other day asked me if I was nearsighted or farsighted. I said nearsighted, he said he was too and that was the end of the conversation...
Then, today at Chick Fil A, I was getting my money out to pay an the guy asked me what my plans for the rest of the day were. I said probably nothing, and that's really all that was said...weird.
Lisa's answer to all this is that these people think I'm hot. Silly Lisa!



I hate feeling restless. Every time I start a semi regular new job, it seems to just disappear so fast. I do something a few times and then life just goes back to normal as if I never had a job at all. I suppose that's just the way freelancing goes sometimes, but I gotta say it feels like it's me. Like there's something about me that people just see after the initial good start. They realize they didn't want to hire me at all, but they don't want to hurt my feelings so they just stop calling. Like a weak breakup.

A friend at church once told me that I am infinitely employable. Is it that, or am I just infinitely good in theory but total crap in reality? Can't I go back to being in college and hopeful?