
oh baby

I have a niece! Alexis Hart DuPre was born at 10:20 on Dec 3rd, 2006. :)





oniomania \O-nee-uh-MAY-nee-uh, -MAYN-yuh\ (noun) - Compulsive shopping; excessive, uncontrollable desire to buy things.




Happy Thanksgiving! Eat some pie!



Reading my good friend Dan's post has given me a little inspiration to put up some pictures I've taken. And, like a good little follower, here goes.

This picture is kind of like my simultaneous love and hate of television. I didn't put it there, just found it but, I like it...I like how the tv's just chillin in the woods like it's supposed to be there, but it's neglected.


among us

I'm gimpy. I've got a fungus! Run for your lives!
Actually, just watch out for pedicures.
So you don't have to have Dr. Flash (real name!) take off part of your toenail.
It's odd watchin somebody dig around in there.




Oh HAPPY DAY! I got a digital Rebel!!



I'm hikin up my trousers for the big ford across the river Quarter Century! T-minus 1 hour 30 minutes and counting! Brace yourselves, nerves, there's no going back.




Well, here I am, staring down my first quarter century. So far it doesn't feel any different. I don't really see any quarter life crises comin on, but you can never be too sure about those. Maybe I'll freak out soon. Well, bowling is enough for now. I hope people can come to the party! :)


good ol ancients

lamia \LAY-mee-uh\ (noun) - 1 : In Greek mythology, a monster represented as a serpent with the head and breasts of a woman and reputed to prey on human beings and suck the blood of children. 2 : A female vampire.


Babysitting makes me uneasy



I like Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. They played tonight at the Fred. Hooray! I saw them in 97 or 98, I forget which, when they came for Big Day Out. I wore the shirt I bought then to tonight's show. I also helped with Guide Magazine stuff for my mom.



It's so sad when public figures die. It's like somebody you know but not... It's like they were friends with everyone and so everyone misses them. Sigh.


much funs

Hooray! Stacy came to visit! The group went out to eat at a place in Midtown called Apres Diem. Pretty good. Lovely selection of desserts. Then we played silly and dirty games all night. We were gonna play Whirly Ball but the place was closed...Ah well. Good times.



Movin on, no worries, just a bad day here and there. ;) All good days to talk about here though! :)

I went to 7:22 with Drew on Tuesday and that was cool. He leaves today to go back to school. It was nice to have him home for the summer and i'll miss him but I'll get to see him some and that is good.

Marc Broussard is the rockinest souliest guy in music. He is a dancy, happy guy and he and his band and people like to go bowling! Hehe. I helped sell merchandise for them last night and it was so amazing. We got to watch the concert and then at the end of the night we got to take tshirts and cds just cause we helped! It was so awesome. And Carrie lost her ID but people were nice enough to find it and she got it back. Wow. She was so lucky! Brian, who we helped with the merch was very nice too. So many cool people in the world!



heh. I got fired today

home again home again jiggity jog

Just got home last night from our week at the beach in VA Beach with Sean Jim and Shane, my sis, bro and nephew, and a few days with Chris and Tiff, my bro and his wife in Wilmington, NC. It was a good trip as vacations go. The beach was nice but got insanely hot. Got to hang with Stacy as she was passing through town. I'm tan for the first time in years. Mainly cause I couldn't help it. I didn't really try for it.

Chris and Tiffany are having a baby girl! She's due in December, around the time of my dad's bday. Her name is Alexis Hart DuPre :) I took some pregnant pics of Tiff which I hope turn out good.

But, DANG am I glad to be home!



It is the last week Stacy is a Peachtree City citizen. Last Sunday we had a going away dinner and we've been hanging out this week. It's gonna be hard to go on without her, but I'll manage. :) Cheers to her.

Going to see Clerks 2 tonight. Woot.



I must tell you about my week! I spent it with 10 screaming middle schoolers from my church and 74 and a half screaming middle and high schoolers from across the country. States such as North Carolina, Washington and Pennsylvania included. We worked with YouthWorks, a group that is quite well known in the missions circuit.

The big group broke into small crews with reps from two youth groups combined. Our group was 8 youth and 2 leaders. (I'm a leader! How insane!) Neway, we were in Atlanta, we stayed in a church next to Grant Park, literally 3 blocks from the house where my grandmother lived! The pastor is from Fayetteville (next to PTC), went to Shorter, and so is my nemesis in that he has been separated from me by mere miles our whole lives yet our paths possibly never crossed till now. He also worked at the Chick Fil A in Rome. He graduated in 2002. The coincidences were just flying. Ok, well, anyway, we stayed there and went out to different sites around the city.

My group went to the Ammeus House which has a section that helps poor and downtrodden, a section for Seniors in the community and a part for kids. It is down the street from Turner Field. We did a bunch of stuff there, and handed out water bottles at the bus stop out in front of it. We played bingo with the elderly .. We did some dishes and organized a room and a closet. For one day, I was in the "Poverty Rights Office" with a couple of the kids and we helped fill out a few forms and things. We shredded a lot of mail as well.

Other groups went places like a food bank, places for elderly and kids, a garden...etc. A group or two painted. Good clean mission fun. In big group time we did some awesome singing and learning and devotion..ing. Last night we had a foot washing service. It was nice.

Our youth are a challenge. We have a couple that have adhd whatnot, and social issues but for the most part they did ok. well, we're all "spirited" I guess. :) I was a leader and it wasn't so bad. I'm not incompetent! woot!

Other things that happened were group trips each afternoon or evening. We went to Centennial Olympic Park, where some kids ran in the fountain, some played games; I played Ultimate Frisbee... We went to the Martin Luther King Jr Center and the church, etc. We went to a fun lively AME church on Wednesday night. Then yesterday we played at Grant Park (which is where Zoo Atlanta is). I played some more Ultimate. From early in the week I acquired the nicknames "French" and "Huguenot" and during the Ultimate game yesterday I was quite sought after! I was pleased to be thought of as awesome at Ultimate. One guy even said, when another leader came up to join in, "you guys have her (meaning me), so we get Wes!" even though my team was short a player. Now that kinda thing can give somebody an ego! :)

Well, that was my week!


a cool photographer named Abelardo Morell



I just found out that I've been on a refrigerator for...let's see, at least 5 or 6 years, and never knew it. It's a picture from high school, in Graphic Arts class, with 3 of my friends, Shannon, Colleen and Laura. It's on the Curasi's fridge and I just found out today. And saw it! It's so funny! Gee, good times.


Don't I know you?

:) Yay for friends in Peachtree City and for crazy nights and booty dancing cops!



Ocean Treasures

So I found out I am going to be an aunt for a second time! Hooray :) My brother, who is my Dad's son, got married in 03 and they've lately been trying for a kid, so they are pretty excited. The due date is December 5, and it's soo cool because that was my Dad's birthday and if he or she is born on that day, it would be so much more special! :)

This week at church is Vacation Bible School so I've been taking pictures and helping out with that. Sorta trying to help wrangle the teenagers for their skit and the middle school puppet show guys. :)


belly dancing as a way to pass the time

I just love parties. I rarely get to go to them. It makes me remember some good ones from high school. Even though I guess I'm not much of a party person in the stereotypical sense, I still love being with a bunch of people and acting silly. My outgoing personality side comes out and it's generally great. Here's to Stacy for throwing one of those fun shindigs that even included swimming or, as I think it should be more accurately called, an excuse to throw/dunk/drown/kick/maim/push/pull people and call it a good time. Being of the female gender, I generally am one of those thrown/dunked/drowned more than the latter. Guess that would mean I'm usually the one kicking and pushing and maiming and whatnot. It's self defense! :)


I would not like to buy back in.

Well, I used to enjoy playing poker...


oh geez

Ohhhh boy....This is gonna be something. Something so hard I can't even say yet so easy it's just being a friend...I'm going to help with YoungLife. ohhh Somebody's gonna have to be the message through me. How nerve wracking.


I will get a free sub next time

I saw a friend from high school that I hadn't seen since then! :) It was neat. She didn't recognize me at first, which is funny cause I sorta just figure I look the same except maybe my hair style and glasses. Oh, wait, if I was in a sitcom or movie I'd be totally unrecognizable with glasses and different hair. Hmmm. Well, anyway, I was in Blimpie and as I was getting my food a couple of guys walked in and I glanced at them. One was vaguely familiar but the other one wasn't. Until I looked again. It was a guy named Greg from school. I was never really friends with him but I knew of him. He grew like, 2 feet since the last time I saw him. That was odd. It must be a day of people from the past.


My friend Katie got married yesterday. It was nice, our friend Brianne was one of her bridesmaids. Stacy and I had a little adventure getting there, though. :) Then when we got home we watched some movies. Yay good times.


The contents of my purse at the moment

wallet, check books(2), tissues, North America road map, hand lotion, cell phone, business card holder, French Agenda, sewing kit, tiny pad of post it like paper, car keys for my car, car keys for mom's car, sunglasses, thumb drive, hair band, scissors, matches, two travel pill cases, cold sore cream, contact case, pack of gum, contact eye drops, tiny hand sanitizer, 3 lip gloss/chapsticks, a feminine item, a pack of Equal, two QTips, a few toothpicks, new contacts, more hair implements, 7 pens, a pencil, a mini sharpie, and travel floss


"My warrior woman. My Valkyrie. You'll always be mine, always and never. Never. The Fire, baby. It'll burn us both. It'll kill us both. there's no place in this world for our kind of fire. Always and never. If I have to die for you tonight, I will."


Every day offers a new set of possibilities for parental embarrassment. Take for instance the very attractive waiter today at a little Italian restaurant in San Juan Capistrano...Mom and Kim decide they like him and want to take a picture of him. And so they do and they ask him if he's a movie star...now, I guess that's not too embarrassing...but, really, you wouldn't wanna be there, right? Ah the joys of being cranky.


heard Dani California in the last five minutes? Prolly.

I'm in California. Today we went for a walk by the beach and had shakes at the end. Mine was oreo. mmmm. Now we might go hang out in a hot tub and then go out to dinner. Mom and myself and my bro, Hunter. Sadly, though, I apparently had to come down with a cold the day before the trip. The flight was hell on my head and ears...too much pressure! ack, landing was the worst. Could NOT pop my ears. blah. but anyway...


i go foto

You know what's fun? Driving backroads. I don't know how many I've driven, just enjoying scenery, stopping to take some pictures, finding interesting places. Today I had to drive to Gay, GA. It's only about 45 minutes from home. I was working-took pictures of a house to make a virtual tour. I've actually been working all week, which is nice. I did 8 houses and tours. But of course, going to California for 2 weeks is a bit of an interruption... hopefully I'll be moving along again with the work when I come back.

Well, anyway, the driving. Today I took some pictures of an old service station that's totally taken over by vines. Not kudzu, just your normal green leafy vines. It looked like there was a fire at some point, and part of the roof had fallen in. A lot of the stuff was just left in there apparently...there was an old cigarette vending machine and outside the wall was an old ice cream bin. Apart from the dead raccoon inside, it was really cool. I took a bunch of shots in there. Not of the raccoon.

It was another CAMERAMPAGE! :) I like making up new words. Well, that's about it...I took some pics of old barns and fields and fences too. Yay photography!

Peace out, yo. Goin to California tomorrow. Be back the 29th. um..Tallyho!



Ed Kowalczyk is a ROCK GOD and I want to be friends with him. . . :)
Concerts in Bham are good and fun and road trips are nice.

Hey..I'm not home right now, but I will be soon. . . [laughing] click! ...Why'd he hang up on me?

And other random funness including seeing friends happened this weekend. hooray


the flip side

Well, so, I did get an email about work today, so maybe I spoke too soon...

So, I think I must be the type of person that people like to say random things to. For instance, the guy behind the counter at Starbucks the other day asked me if I was nearsighted or farsighted. I said nearsighted, he said he was too and that was the end of the conversation...
Then, today at Chick Fil A, I was getting my money out to pay an the guy asked me what my plans for the rest of the day were. I said probably nothing, and that's really all that was said...weird.
Lisa's answer to all this is that these people think I'm hot. Silly Lisa!



I hate feeling restless. Every time I start a semi regular new job, it seems to just disappear so fast. I do something a few times and then life just goes back to normal as if I never had a job at all. I suppose that's just the way freelancing goes sometimes, but I gotta say it feels like it's me. Like there's something about me that people just see after the initial good start. They realize they didn't want to hire me at all, but they don't want to hurt my feelings so they just stop calling. Like a weak breakup.

A friend at church once told me that I am infinitely employable. Is it that, or am I just infinitely good in theory but total crap in reality? Can't I go back to being in college and hopeful?



I've never met her...Opelika!

This weekend was my second trip down to the coast of Mississippi. We did mudding and sanding (drywall stuffs) and built a handrail. Woot. Pictures are most definitely to come.

Today I did job related activities! HOoray to be in the world of makin money again. I took pictures of a house which will be put onto a virtual tour for Home Source Realty. Tomorrow I have another one.

Soon I will be jetting to and fro and having a lot of things to do. Several friends getting married and engaged. . . All kinds of craziness :) I hope I can handle it!


Shooter McGavin

So, that title is irrelevant.

Tomorrow I go down to Mississippi again to help with Katrina stuff. Here's to leaving at the butt crack of the mornin, 7 am. That's right, a weekend of long windedness, enjoyable smashin up of things, or possibly painting of things, sleeping in accordions and using porta potties :) It's grand.

Here's to taking pictures of stuff! Oh, ha, I guess now the title is relevant...shazaam! Of course, a different type of shooting, but shooting nonetheless.


2 QUIZZES for the price of ONE (two versions of the same quiz, actually)

ok, so you put itunes (or your ipod) on shuffle, ask yourself a question, and then interpret its meaning with the song that's played. ready? go!

1. How does the world see me? "She Shines" by Linkin Park (aww)
2. Will I have a happy life? "The Ghost of You" by My Chemical Romance "Never coming home" ?
3. What do my friends really think of me? "I Know" by Jude ..."It's a shame the things you hide behind...I know there's nowhere you can hide"
4. Do people secretly lust after me? "Love Bites" by Def Leppard ...ha!..
5. How can I make myself happy? "Magdalena" by A Perfect Circle "i'll sell / my soul / my self-esteem a dollar at a time" ...?
6. What should I do with my life? "Blanket of Fear" by Papa Roach "So hold on to your dreams, Because your nightmares might seem like they're your reality" (creepy)
7. Will I ever have children? "4 U" by Korn "I could have never lived. / If it wasn't for you." (sorta makes sense, ok, not really)
8. What is some good advice for me? "Girls" by Beastie Boys ...um, no :)
9. How will I be remembered? "Mary Jane's Last Dance" Counting Crows, Weezer & Tom Petty
10. What is my signature dancing song? "Oil" by Moby (um, whatever)
11. What do I think my current theme song is? "Bad Day" by Fuel (I hope not!)
12. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? "107" by Orgy "When the freak needs a nurse you comply" (either I'm a nurse or I'm a freak haha)
13. What song will play at my funeral? "Her Majesty's Secret Service" by The Honey Rods "But you can't believe in luck 'cause you're already dead" (how appropriate!)
14. What type of men/women do you like? "Graduation (Friends Forever)" by Vitamin C (I like men who graduate? that's true)
15. What is my day going to be like? "Young, Dumb & Ugly" by Weird Al Yankovic
1. What do you think of me? "Beautiful Girl" by INXS
2. Will I have a happy life? "Everloving" by Moby (that sounds pretty good to me)
3. What do my friends really think of me? "Make Yourself" by Incubus (I'm goin with, they think I'm independent)
4. Do people secretly lust after me? "Everything You Know Is Wrong" by Weird Al (what's with the spoofs, iTunes?)
5. What does [insert significant other] think of me? "Son of a Preacher Man" Etta James ? Pulp Fiction Sdtrk
6. How can I make myself happy? "It's No Good" by Depeche Mode (perhaps I can't make myself happy) "Don't say you're happy / Out there without me / I know you can't be / Cause it's no good"
7. What should I do with my life? "My Sweet Fracture" by Saves the Day
8. Why must life be so full of pain? "Thuggish Ruggish Bone" by Bone Thugs N Harmony (haha, those darn thugs)
9. How can I maximize my pleasure during sex? "Enigma" by Trapt "I don't wanna be left alone, not when I'm right next to you" (that's deep) "don't turn the lights off and leave me in the dark"
10. Will I ever have children? "Final" MST3K. that makes no sense.
11. Will I find a vocation that makes me happy? "What are We" Animaniacs ? "What we are, dear doctor, is cute"
12. Can you give me some good advice? "Delicate" by Damien Rice ..." And why do you sing Hallelujah / If it means nothing to you / Why do you sing with me at all?"
13. How can I make others happier? "Mission Impossible Theme" -techno remix by U2(?) well, ok then.
14. Will I find true love? "Don't Belong" by Cold ..."please don't ever tell the world that I don't belong" hey, that's pretty deep too :)
15. Why is everything so confusing? "Gender" by Orgy "Constantly stumbling over reason" ..."I�ll never be rational"
16. Shall we live in dreams? Reality? Do we have to choose? "Say My Name" Destiny's Child remix
17. How close are my friends? "Keep on Loving You" by REO Speedwagon :) LOVE YOU FOREVER! :)
18. How sexy am I? "Let It Be" by John Lennon
19. How will I change the world? "Lullaby" by Dovetail Joint "don't you stay up worried with the telly" (haha, stay away from TV)
20. What do you think happiness is? "S.L.O.B." by The Urge " Yo � I can't believe I'm in a fight." haha


i want money

Whee, I got a call from Lorelai (I know, right?) at HomeSource today! I'm goin in tomorrow at 4 for ... something...:)


Attention! Achtung!

Name:Nicole Corrin DuPre
Birthday:October 17, 1981
Birthplace:A birthing center in Douglasville, GA in which I stayed for 10 days
Current Location:Peachtree City
Eye Color:hazel
Hair Color:brown
Height:5'4" ish
Right Handed or Left Handed:right
Your Heritage:Huguenots, so French on one side, and English/Irish mutt on the other
The Shoes You Wore Today:Red with stripes
Your Weakness:boys
Your Fears:trains and falling
Your Perfect Pizza:green peppers and lotsa cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:job stuffs
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:heh
Thoughts First Waking Up:5 more minutes
Your Best Physical Feature:my booty
Your Bedtime:All day and night
Your Most Missed Memory:Daddy and Grandma and Sable
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King:McD's
Single or Group Dates:yes
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:yes?
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:Coffee, but prefer mocha
Do you Smoke:no
Do you Swear:not much
Do you Sing:yesh! as much as possible until people ask me to stop
Do you Shower Daily:nope. every other day works fine
Have you Been in Love:heck yeah
Do you want to go to College:already been there done that
Do you want to get Married:yes and no
Do you belive in yourself:most of the time
Do you get Motion Sickness:no
Do you think you are Attractive:like a magnet, baby!
Are you a Health Freak:nah
Do you get along with your Parents:yep
Do you like Thunderstorms:most definitely
Do you play an Instrument:the radio
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:no
In the past month have you Smoked:no
In the past month have you been on Drugs:no
In the past month have you gone on a Date:yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:no, just other types of shopping, unless outdoor mall area type things count
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:yes. I wouldn't call that a box, though. It's plastic and closer to bag
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:no blech
In the past month have you been on Stage:I walk across the stage at church all the time
In the past month have you been Dumped:no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:only hearts
Ever been Drunk:no
Ever been called a Tease:sure, probably
Ever been Beaten up:no, but smacked in the head pretty hard once
Ever Shoplifted:when I was about 12, from a Hallmark. I mean, come on, 20 bucks for something that tiny?
How do you want to Die:eh, whatever
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:um, not grown up?
What country would you most like to Visit:Ireland
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:green
Favourite Hair Color:generally brown, but whatever
Short or Long Hair:yes
Height:not too picky
Weight:again, not too picky, though I prefer them bigger than I am
Best Clothing Style:all of em
Number of Drugs I have taken:Prescriptions...a few
Number of CDs I own:a lot
Number of Piercings:two. or does ears count as one...
Number of Tattoos:none
Number of things in my Past I Regret:4 and a half? However many times I didn't say something I could have or should have








It's a marvelous light, I'm running
Out of darkness, out of shame


Well, hey, how's it goin? Long time no see, etc, etc...

I just love randomly running into people from the past. It's cool seeing what they're up to. I just saw Justin Spillner, who I went to school with pretty much all through the years, elementary to high school. He's a DJ now and owns a music company with somebody else from school who I didn't know...He goes by DJ K.O. (I don't know if the periods are necessary with these things, not really well versed there) and I think I've even heard of him. Pretty cool. He was always very entertaining in school, though I wouldn't really say he was in my group of friends. I wasn't all that popular :) He was though. But not one of the snooty annoying ones. Anyway...that's my highlight for the day so far.


shoe bop

Went to Mississippi over the weekend with a group from church to help out some Katrina victims. We got to muck out a guy's house, in other words, just take everything out so he can spray for mold. We tore out a big ol pile of drywall. AWESOME! Can't wait to go on another trip. Saw Drew's friend Grant who I met a few weeks ago when they came to play at Drew's mom's church. So cool and random! Yay for randomness!

Now this week every night I'm babysitting a couple of teenagers for their overprotective parents and getting paid for it! Not as good as working for people who need me, but hey, in a way it's the same...or something.



"She still lives with her mom outside the city. Down that street about a half a mile. And her friends tell her, she's so pretty. She'd be a whole lot prettier if she smiled once in a while."



Yay good weekend! Saturday night, went up to Adam's place, hung out, chilled, and the like...watched some TV, went out for yummy cheeseburgers, shared music (er, well, mine was what was shared with him, but yeah).
Sunday we got up late and had some Arby's and grocery shopped (I know, I know,you may ask, 'Nicole, how could grocery shopping be fun?' and he indeed asked me the same question, but hey, I just like it sometimes!) and watched TV some more and drove to Roswell (he had been driving his father's car so needed to get his car back) and ate Stauffer's Lasagna at midnight. :) Then I drove home.
Right, I may be weird, but that was all good times!
Today I got to hang out with Kristin, Brian and the Parkers! Yay! We played Texas Hold'Em and Boggle. And ate some awesome food. Hooray!


hardly a post


If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you....


V Day

So, the night went pretty well. We had tentative plans to go to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens which we quickly scrapped and decided to just go to dinner instead. I took him to Italian Oven with high hopes, however he didn't really like his meal. Sad. But then we went over to Publix and got cookie ingredients. We made cookies (from scratch! a first for me) and they came out sorta ok. A little weird though. But that was the recipe, right? Nothing to do with the bakers! :)

Well, Adam met my mom and saw our house and all. That was alright. Strange coincidence number two (one was that he has the same birthday as my mom, Dec 29) was that his dog's name is SABLE! Freakin only other person I've heard of who's dog's name is Sable! What are the odds, I mean really?? Heh, he said, aw, man, and I thought that was so original! hehe Crazy times.

On another note, I get the feeling that Neal drunk texts me on holidays. On Christmas sometime early in the morning I got a text wishing me a Merry Christmas and saying 'hope you're happy'. Then I got a text last night at midnight that said happy valentine's day. Poor bastard. Can't get over me. Probably always be a source of guilt for me, too! oh, joy!



Happy Valentine's Day


High school kids keep committing suicide. 2 out of 3 lately were successful, a freshman and a senior. I hear there's some sort of thing where people hang themselves just up to the point of death and then stop. For some sort of feeling of euphoria. sheesh


on death

So what do you do at a wake for a guy you barely knew? I felt out of place and knew I couldn't comfort anyone. And left within like 20 minutes. It was my next door neighbor, Nick. I met him once in passing, and one night he knocked on my window and freaked me out. He shot himself (they're saying) on Superbowl Sunday. We were out of the country at the time. They had only lived there about a year, maybe less. It's sad. I hate when people die. Especially like that.

I found his MySpace profile today. That was weird. I guess his site will just stay there now. I never really thought about all the websites and things that get left when a person dies. That's the world of technology now, I guess. Well, I was reading what his friends wrote about him. Trying to know more about him after the fact, I guess. He seemed to have lots of goth friends. And apparently there's a secret room at the Masquerade.

I sort of wonder if anything would have been different if I'd become friends with him, and been here for when he needed to talk. I guess that's the choice you have to make when something happens. I chose to find him a little creepy. But what would you think if somebody knocks on your bedroom window late at night? Sigh. I wonder.



I'm back and I'm sick. I'm soooo darn glad to be back in America. No more squattie potties, no more rice and mung bean combinations, no more driving 15 hours on bumpy roads for a few days someplace. However. I have mono. No more blithe carefree days of not feeling poopy. at least for a while.


peace out

Well, folks, it's about that time. Time to flee the country.

Tomorrow: Leave for L.A.
Jan 15: Leave for VIETNAM!
Feb 2: Get back to L.A.
Feb 7: Get home.

Catch ya later.


dreamin loco

Man, last night I had some crazy dreams!
One was about high school people. It was weird. Somebody was getting married that I had a crush on back in middle and high school youth group and I talked to another guy that always bugged me in elementary and middle school and then I was sorta friends with in high school (I figure he always liked me or something but never admitted it)
Then I ran around trying to find a bathroom because I had to pee but not enough to wake myself up...glad I didn't find one.

Before that, I had a scary dream though...one I actually felt myself pulling out of and waking up. It was so weird. I've never had one feel quite like it. It had dogs attacking me. I was trying to turn into a werewolf or something but the dog wouldn't let me and kept jumping up at my left arm and there was someone there I knew, and I was looking to them for help and trying to scream. I was trying so hard to scream that when I finally pulled myself awake, I had to make noise and I almost came to tears.

So Crazy!


2nd date

with Adam last night! We saw Munich. good, but watch out for the naked and flashback sex scenes. A little weird.



My beautiful new car, the Marquese Mao. She is a Honda Civic Hybrid.


new year

Happy New Year! :) I had a wonderful Savannah new years. AN ADJECTIVE, TWO VERBS AND A NOUN! WOOO!

hyponasty \HI-peh-naes-ti\ (noun) - The upward curving of leaves caused by faster growth on the bottom than the top.